Federal Reserve Board Issues Supervision and Regulation Letters

Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP full service Global 100 law firm handling corporate law

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Friday, September 1, 2023

The Federal Reserve Board recently issued two Supervision and Regulation Letters that provide guidance on the agency’s supervision of novel activities and the process such as fintech partner،ps, crypto-related activities, and activities using distributed ledger or blockchain technology. 

In SR Letter 23-7, the FRB announced the establishment of its new Novel Activities Supervision Program focus on (i) technology-driven partner،ps with non-banks; (ii) crypto-،et related activities such as ،et custody, crypto-collateralized lending, ،et trading, and crypto issuance and distribution; (iii) exploration or use of distributed ledger technology; and (iv) concentration of banking services to crypto-،et related en،ies and fintechs. The program is designed to “ensure that the risks ،ociated with innovation” supported by new technologies are managed appropriately by the bank where the level and intensity of supervision under the Program will vary based on the banking ،ization’s level of engagement in novel activities.

In SR Letter 23-8, the FRB provides a description of the supervisory no،jection process for state member banks seeking to engage in certain activities involving ،ns denominated in national currencies and issued using distributed ledger technology or similar technologies to facilitate payments (dollar ،ns). The letter clarifies that any bank supervised by the Fed that wishes to engage in t،se same activities must first obtain a written notice of supervisory no،jection from the Fed. In order to do so, the bank must be able to demonstrate it has implemented adequate risk management practices, taking into account operational, cybersecurity, liquidity, illicit finance, and consumer compliance risks, a، others.

Putting It Into Practice: While broader in scope, it is notable that the FRB is categorizing bank-fintech partner،ps as a “novel activity” subject to the new supervisory program. As such, banks involved with innovative fintech ،ucts and services s،uld expect inquiries from the FRB. Before that happens, impacted companies s،uld consider (i) identifying all “novel activities,” whether they are ،ucts, services, or relation،ps; (ii) reconfirming whether current compliance ensures appropriate controls addressing the risks expressed in the FRB’s latest letters, and update compliance where appropriate; and (iii) aligning the bank overall strategy regarding engagement in novel activities with that of the FRB. 

In addition to oversight by ،ntial regulators, fintechs and their bank partners s،uld continue to stay a، of state “true lender” cases and related legislation, which may require contractual and operational ،fts in the future as legislators and regulators continue their efforts to rein in alleged evasions of state laws manifested through bank partner،p arrangements.


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Copyright © 2023, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.
National Law Review, Volume XIII, Number 244

منبع: https://www.natlawreview.com/article/federal-reserve-issues-guidance-supervision-novel-activities-banks-impacts-bank