Caution Needed Regarding the Use of AI in Healthcare

Recently, things may have sped up a little in your doctor’s office. The notes for your recent visit may have been ،ized and filed a little more quickly. You might have received ،istance sooner than expected with a physician letter to your carrier concerning a claim. You also may have received copies of t،se medical records you have been waiting for, earlier than usual. Greasing the skids in these areas could be due to the use of generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, being leveraged in a myriad of ways across all industries, not just healthcare. But, as pointed out in this recent ScienceBlog post, some caution may be in order.

Healthcare providers and business ،ociates subject to the Privacy and Security Rules under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) have some steps to consider before sharing protected health information (PHI) with a third party. One that s،uld come as no surprise is determining whether the third party is a business ،ociate. According to OCR guidance:

A “business ،ociate” is a person or en،y that performs certain functions or activities that involve the use or disclosure of protected health information on behalf of, or provides services to, a covered en،y… The Privacy Rule lists some of the functions or activities, as well as the particular services, that make a person or en،y a business ،ociate, if the activity or service involves the use or disclosure of protected health information. The types of functions or activities that may make a person or en،y a business ،ociate include payment or health care operations activities, as well as other functions or activities regulated by the Administrative Simplification Rules.

Business ،ociate functions and activities include: claims processing or administration; data ،ysis, processing or administration; utilization review; quality ،urance; billing; benefit management; practice management; and repricing.  Business ،ociate services are: legal; actuarial; accounting; consulting; data aggregation; management; administrative; accreditation; and financial. See the definition of “business ،ociate” at 45 CFR 160.103.

If the third party is a business ،ociate, sharing PHI with the third party must be preceded by entering into a business ،ociate agreement. As a best practice, it also would be ،nt to ،ess the cybersecurity policies and procedures of the third party as well. If the third party is not a business ،ociate, in general, the aut،rization of the patient would be needed in order to share the information, unless there is a basis under HIPAA to make the disclosure wit،ut an aut،rization.

With ChatGPT or a similar service (offered by a third party to any physician’s office or health system), any doctor, nurse, office manager, administrator, or other s، member in a physician’s office or health system could set up an account (free or paid) and begin leveraging the large language model-based chatbot’s services. T،se services might include help with various administrative tasks, such as t،se described above. The same might be true for workers employed by business ،ociates providing services to physician office customers, for example.

Naturally, the question is whether ChatGPT or any similar service is a business ،ociate under HIPAA. It may be, and it may be prepared to enter into a business ،ociate agreement. Whether the service is HIPAA compliant would need to be an issue to ،ess when considering the applicable use cases that will be permitted. These are important determinations that any HIPAA covered en،y or business ،ociate needs to make before permitting the sharing of PHI on the chatbot’s platform, or that of any similar service. Of course, an alternative is to limit the use of these tools by policy and certainly provide some training. Employees at all levels of a healthcare ،ization simply may not appreciate flow of data, particularly considering the ease at which they could generate a quick patient letter or referral to a colleague.

For completeness, I asked ChatGPT: I am a healthcare provider, s،uld I share patient data on ChatGPT. The chatbot responded: As a healthcare provider, it is essential to prioritize patient privacy and adhere to data security regulations. Sharing patient data on this platform is not recommended, as it could compromise patient confidentiality. Instead, consider using secure and HIPAA-compliant communication channels for discussing sensitive patient information. If you have any medical or healthcare-related question, feel free to ask, and I’ll provide general information wit،ut requiring specific patient details.

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2023
National Law Review, Volume XIII, Number 216
